Anomalous Images Mailing List Archives #1
Elliptical Craters and Domes on the Moon
and Mars
Anomalous Features on Edge of Olympus Crater
on Mars
Three Views of Gassendi Crater
(FWD) The Planetary Society and Questionnaire
Clementine Images
(Fwd) Hoagland Conference Report (25 May,
Moon Anomalies in 19438 Image
UFOs in the Russian Anomaly Zone
Three Cool Image Browsers
Stereo View of Gassendi
New Images of Gassendi
Question About Image Processing
Drawing of Moon Base
Map of Possible Bases on the Moon
Two Final Views of Gassendi
Dr. Beter's Coordinates of Moon Bases
War in Space--The Battle of the Harvest Moon, September
27, 1977
Russian Cosmosphere Base Near Sea of Crises?
New Areas of the Moon Showing Numerous Anomalies, Part
Subject: Elliptical Craters and Domes on the Moon
and Mars
Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 17:14:14 -0700
These are a couple of images of elliptically shaped craters.
516a22s.gif image was taken by one of the Viking
orbiters showing a strange crater with linear features which join the elliptical
messiers.gif image shows an elliptical crater
next to a round crater with unusual features nearby.
NASA's explanation is that the elliptical craters were formed by a glancing
blow from an impinging asteroid, while others question why there are not
more of these features if that is the cause. Also, there is reason to believe
that nearly all meteors would have hit the moon nearly normal (90 degrees)
to the lunar surface due to the effects of gravity, which tend to attract
objects toward the center of gravity of a large object. This may be the
reason that these eliptical craters and domes are relatively rare.
It is interesting that these unusual craters are associated with other anomalous features.
Steve Wingate
Subject: Freeways
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Date sent: Tue, 14 May 1996 23:28:04 -0700
is a detail from 516a22s.gif
enhanced by increasing contrast, showing two parallel linear structures.
If this is a fault line, it would be very unusual for the fault to be so
linear and to have a second line which looks like a mirror image of the
first. There are also subtle details running between the fault. It almost
looks like a highway or some type of tunnel raised above the surface.
parrallel structures are also found on the moon as seen in freeways.gif,
one of the images from Clementine.
Steve Wingate
Subject: Anomalous Features on Edge of Olympus Crater
on Mars
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Date sent: Wed, 15 May 1996 22:24:00 -0700
There are some interesting anomalous features on the edge of the Olympus Crater in images taken by one of the Viking orbiters. This is a detail of a larger image of the complete Olympus Crater, which exhibits other interesting anomalies. You can view the full image at
under the heading "Mars Anomalies".
detail shows several interesting features, including several triangular
shapes which cast a shadow, and linear structures, including a 'chute'.
Although this second feature does line up with pixels, it seems unlikely
that it is a digital processing artifact, due to the fact that it clearly
starts and stops abruptly. Also, there are other anomalies nearby, such
as the diagonal linear features and the series of three depressions which
appear to be holding tanks, or other huge structures which cast a dark
shadow and appear to have a linear dam-like structure beneath them.
This may be some type of mining operation, or perhaps a spacecraft launch ramp which uses the depression of the crater as takoff area.
center of this crater exibits an interesting 'yin-yang' dome structure
as well, as seen in olymp-c.jpg.
Steve Wingate
Subject: Three Views of Gassendi Crater
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Date sent: Mon, 20 May 1996 17:13:32 -0700
Enclosed are three images of the Crater Gassendi, an area on the moon exhibiting numerous anomalies.
The crater Gassendi and the half crater Letronne in late-afternoon light.
(120 inch reflector)
This image of Gassendi was scanned by Neil Jackson, from a photo published in a book published in 1969. The image was taken by the Lick Observatory, sometime between 1944 and 1968, probably closer to 1944. I am sorry but I don't have the name of the book at this time, but I will find out and post the information at a later date. Note some of the unusual features on the edge of half crater Letronne, and the unusual linear markings in crater Gassendi, including the triangular shape.
This is an image taken on orbit number 314 by Clementine with a 750 nm
filter. I have applied sharpening filters to the raw images to highlight
more of the details. Like many of the Clementine images taken by the CCD
imager, the raw data looks somewhat unfocused, like the image was taken
through a haze or fog. Also, the raw data was transmitted to Earth after
compression using an algorithm similar to .jpgs, so there are some effects
present in the more uniform background areas that appear to be patterns,
but are actually compression artifacts. However, there are still many features,
including apparent winding roads, possible buildings including a large
rectangular structure in the distance, huge round tank-like structures,
massive cranes, antenna-like structures above some of the smaller craters,
linear features in the crater Gassendi, and other anomalies nearby.
One of the more striking anomalies is just to the right of the edge of Gassendi, which appears to be a large mound with regularly spaced bright areas. This location is unfortunaly in the shadow in the image from the reflector telescope. The size of these features is huge -- each pixel covers a horizontal area of approximately 372 meters!
The linear features are also clearly visible in the first image taken with the reflector telescope, although some of the other features are not. There are several possibilities for this. Assuming that these anomalies are real (and since they appear in several images taken at slightly different times with different filters on this same orbit, this appears to be a resonable assumption to make), the obvious question is why are they not also visible in the refractor telescope image. One possibility is simply the lower resolution of the telescope image and the losses in publishing an image in a book and then scanning it.
However, it is also possible that the anomalies were simply not present at the time that the time the first image was taken. If there has been construction activity taking place on the moon, possibly by the US and Russia, secretly, as outlined by Dr. Beter,
or by others, then this would explain these differences. Of course there are also other reasonable explanations as well, such as lighting differences, atmospheric distortions, optical distortions in the telescope, film emulsion properties and processing effects, etc.
The raw image was originally included along with several orbits of raw data on one of the Navy's sites on the WWW. The site no longer exists, unfortunately, but the data can be accessed by purchasing the appropriate CD-ROM from the Navy. The orbital data for this image is similar to that of lud0120h.314. The raw image was originally inverted, and was taken when the spacecraft was approximately 550 miles above the surface of the moon.
This is the orbital data for the image of the Gassendi Crater on the northern shore of Mare Humorum. The smaller crater north of Gassendi is called Clarkson. It sits at 19.5 degrees south of the equator on the 40 degree east longitude line.
SLANT_DISTANCE = 1456.3 <km>
CENTER_LATITUDE = -16.66 <deg>
CENTER_LONGITUDE = 322.28 <deg>
SMEAR_MAGNITUDE = 0.03 <pixels>
SMEAR_AZIMUTH = 53.90 <deg>
NORTH_AZIMUTH = 267.08 <deg>
RETICLE_POINT_LATITUDE = ( -20.49, -20.26, -10.69, -11.19)
RETICLE_POINT_LONGITUDE = ( 324.59, 319.93, 319.61, 324.93)
= -46.60 <deg>
The third image is from the Clementine Lunar Feature Browser - Lunar Feature
Extension. I have included it for comparison purposes. The visible image
was not available but the 415 nm image should still show more detail than
we see in this mosaic, which has been reduced in resolution and apparently
heavily compressed. I used only 10% compressing when saving it as a .jpg,
so this is essentially an accurate representation of what is currently
available from the Clementine Lunar Image Browser. Needless to say, while
the CLIB is easy to use, it is essentially useless for studying anomalous
features on the moon. (Is anyone surprised?)
The raw data is much more useful to researchers. I am currently trying to determine whether the data available online in the PDS format is of the same quality as the raw images on the CD-ROM and if this is so I will post more images of this area and other interesting features in the future.
Steve Wingate
Subject: (FWD) The Planetary Society and Questionnaire
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Date sent: Sat, 1 Jun 1996 15:55:28 -0700
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Date: Tue, 21 May 1996 18:47:37 -0700
From: Val Valerian <>
Subject: The Planetary Society and Questionnaire
Louis D. Friedman Executive Director The Planetary Society 65 North Catalina Ave Pasadena, California 91106 May 21, 1996
Dear Louis,
I thought I would take the time to address the nature of the Planetary Society Questionnare that I periodically receive. I feel that the questions are out-of-line with reality. Let me explain. Many of the questions refer to the effort of the Planetary Society and NASA to play crucial roles in the "Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence." Yet, it is a matter of historical and literal fact that the NASA Charter forbids disclosure of any contact with extraterrestrial life to the public. How does one reconcile this extreme oversight? I find it hard to believe that the Planetary Society is not even cognizant of this matter. Furthermore, it is a well established fact that all NASA efforts toward planetary exploration in this solar system have been thwarted by the already-existing government and military space program, which has had access to the Moon and Mars for at least the last 25 years, unbeknownst to the general public, for which NASA is portrayed as the ultimate in human effort toward space exploration. It is also a matter of record that after the manned Moon landings that the government recalled all plans for the Saturn rocket, the Apollo lander and all the Apollo equipment, and destroyed them, after what the astronauts saw on the Moon. What they saw was that someone else was already there, and if you look on the far side of the Moon, you will discover U.S. bases that have been there since the 1970's. Furthermore, one of the astronauts recently went public about this.
With all of this and much more in mind, I feel that all the propositions that the Planetary Society foists on the public are both naive and irrelevant. Furthermore, government and military records indicate that we have had contact with one or more intelligent humanoid species for a number of decades, so the SETI program itself represents nothing but public fodder, and is a waste of time and money, especially when the government, and NASA, is fully aware that we have some very interesting visitors who will be here within two years. It is for this reason that the SDI program was created - not as a defense against a Soviet threat.
The presentation by Richard Hoagland on the artificial structures on the Moon and Mars was taken quite seriously by the International Press attending in Washington at the beginning of this year. Yet, for obvious reasons it was generally withheld from the purview of the American public. Richard knows that the Moon itself is an artificial structure, yet he is not ready to tell the public. Millions of people in the United States are aware of all these facts, and so are millions more all over the planet, and all of them tend to view both NASA and the Planetary Society, as well as Carl Sagan, with mixed amusement. Well-intentioned or not, you have been kept in the dark, and I ask that you check some of these things out, expand your mind and your horizons, wherein you will truly make some personal progress.
Valdamar Valerian, Ph.D.
Leading Edge Research
P.O. Box 7530
Yelm, Washington 98597
Subject: Clementine Images
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Date sent: Mon, 3 Jun 1996 19:35:45 -0700
On 21 May 96 at 8:51, Michael Kane wrote:
Interesting images, I'm not sure fron the Navy Clementine site, or what I've seen elsewhere, how detailed the images get. For example, the Messiera crater or Copernicus crater pictures. Does Clementine get down to mil-sat resolutions from the 70's KH satellites or???
Unfortunately, the Clementine images are not even close to that degree of resolution. Each pixel in a Clementine image covers from about one hundred meters, up to a kilometer or more, depending the altitude of the satellite and the angle. The high-resolution images are more detailed, but only 10,000 were taken, mostly near the poles, compared to the several million taken with the regular UV-VIS imager.
I feel like I'm not a photo interpreter and don't totally trust Hoagland or other lookers to know what they're looking at. Sinus Medii site gets my attention, how does one intelligently proceed, which CD_ROM's to order? Your ruminations and insight would be welcome indeed.
You can order CD-ROMs of the raw Clementine images from NASA. The page is:
There are also many CD-ROMS online:
The raw images on this second site are in the PDS format. You will need to download an image conversion utility available there to convert the PDS images to gifs so that you can view them, or use the Clemdisp program to view them online.
Steve Wingate
Subject: (Fwd) Hoagland Conference Report (25 May,
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Date sent: Tue, 4 Jun 1996 12:56:39 -0700
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Date: Tue, 04 Jun 1996 16:51:03 +0200
From: John Subject: Hoagland Conference Report (25 May, 1996)
- Place : Imperial College, London -
- Date : 25 May, 1996 -
- Speakers : Richard Hoagland, -
- Graham Hancock, -
- Robert Bauval
- ====================================
Reported by : JJ Mercieca Malta UFO Research -
A wonderful lecture!! Hoagland commenced by giving some general background information on the moon/Mars structures and then leaped right into the new information.
The most interesting item was a film from one of the Apollo missions taken from the orbiting capsule that clearly shows without the need for enhancement the highly eroded and shattered dome across Mare Smythe!
The astronauts were filming "Earth Rise" through a perfectly transparent quartz window in the capsule and since the moon has no atmosphere, the Earth should be a perfect circle. Right? Wrong!!
The Earth looked terribly distorted while it was rising, with the shape flattening, changing and shimmering as if seen through a thick atmosphere rather than through an airless environment. What could be causing this effect? Well, miles thick sheets of glass between the camera and the Earth could distort the Earth so much. But the glass cannot be seen, or can it ....?
What is important to remember is that the cameras used by the astronauts didn't simply stop running when switched off, but the film continued to pass in front of the open shutter while slowing down. This resulted in several frames at the end of each "take" being over-exposed. At normal speed these frames produce a sort of white-out of the screen, but when seen frame by frame, as Hoagland demonstrated a number of times, much more detail comes out!
In these frames a clear structure that is miles above the lunar surface can be seen! It has a very jagged look.... sharp spires in some sections reaching much higher than the average height of the structure. It looks as if what may once have been a relatively flat surface has been bombarded for lots of years (thousands, millions?) by micro-meteorites or even larger objects. The film was taken looking over Mare Smythe and in the direction of several other mares (the dark sections on the moon), which Hoagland thinks are the foundations of the ancient lunar domes. (Therefore in the direction of the largest concentration of glass that caused the Earth to look so distorted.) The over-exposed frames picked up so much light from the close lunar glass structures, that the Earth can hardly be seen in them!
INTERESTING NUMBERS & FACTS ---------------------------
- 1 megalithic yard = 2.72 British feet
- Large triangle on the moon formed by three circular features (distinguishable from the APP172.jpg Clementine image - is 272 miles on each side
- The crater Ukert (16 mile triangle) is tangential to one side of the larger 272 mile triangle
- If Diameter of Earth = 1, Diameter of moon = 0.272
- The moon is currently 60.27 Earth radii away from us and is moving away imperceptibly. Exactly 200,000 years ago the moon was 60 Earth radii away.
- Hoagland thinks that 200,000 years ago whatever was going on at Cydonia, the moon and maybe even Earth came to an abrupt end, and the moon began to drift away very slowly from the position it was being kept in!!!!
- What is really interesting is that Hoagland mentioned a report by some scientist (can't remember the name, so if any of you know anything about this let me know) that the human DNA as we know it today first appeared some 200,000 years ago which is quite a coincidence .... Could the end of a "Cydonian" civilisation mean the start of our own??
- Hoagland also thinks that the groundplan for the construction of the Pyramids and Sphinx at Giza, Egypt was laid at this time, 200,000 years ago!
- The moon first orbited the earth some 600 million years ago during the Pre-Cambrian/Cambrian period. Hoagland put forward a theory that someone moved the moon into orbit around Earth (since the 3 theories scientists have of how the moon came to be don't hold water).
1) The moon and Earth coalesced from the same "dust" at the same time our solar system was being formed. This is impossible since the makeup of the lunar rocks as demonstrated by the lunar missions is totally different from those of Earth.
2) The Earth was hit by a "Mars-size" object, the impact creating the moon which conveniently remained in Earth orbit rather than rebounding back into space.
3) The moon wandering through the solar system is caught by the Earth's gravitational pull and through some "fluke" of orbital mechanics, takes up a roughly circular orbit around the Earth!!
While Hoagland's theory may sound even more unreasonable than these three, it does have its merits. Whoever did this would have needed immense amounts of energy but hyperdimensional energy offers just that : infinite energy at no cost!
The moon also increased the Earth's angular momentum by several orders of magnitude which resulted in an increase in the generation (by the earth and moon) of hyperdimensional energy. (Angular momentum is one of the conditions needed for the generation of hyperdimensional energy by planetary bodies.) This increase in HyperD energy may have led to the development of more complex lifeforms and therefore sentience.
(* My own personal comments/speculation : This theory sounds interesting, and would need to have some sort of "Protector" type alien race going about the galaxy/universe manipulating the very planets they find using HyperD energy to bring about the existence of complex sentient lifeforms in the distant future, which would still be in the single-cell stage if left alone. A message may also have been left by these aliens in the form of immense structures on a nearby planet/moon for any sentient lifeforms that developed space travel to find! - Which we did!!! Who knows ....? *)
- Hoagland also thinks that Carbon-14 dating is invalid if his theory on HyperD energy is correct. Scientists at some labs are puzzled how the half life of some elements have increased or decreased randomly, with elements with long half lives just popping out of existence, while those with short half lives remaining stable or prolonging their existence. This may be related to some function of how HyperD draws energy from a higher dimension but Hoagland didn't expand much on this for now.
- Since this is Hoagland's first visit to the UK, he is going to visit Avebury and Silbury Hill, the small part of Britain that is a 1/7 scale model of Cydonia! (the Tholus=Silbury Hill and the crater/pyramid=Avebury). He asked the audience for excavating and drilling machinery to check out the ground on the positions of the Face, City and D&M Pyramid to see if there are any corresponding features at these locations. Wonder how the British government will take to Hoagland going about the countryside drilling holes? :)
- I can't remember if Hoagland or Hancock mentioned this but it sounds quite intrigueing! It seems that there are certain areas on earth that puzzle geologists because there are large patches of terrain where elements are found in the ground that do not match the surrounding terrain and just should not be there! Could these elements be the only trace of totally corroded cities/ports/vehicles of ancient civilisations that have ended 10,000 plus years ago? What would a car or a building or an aircraft carrier look like in 10,000 years time if our civilisation ended abruptly? Maybe just a mixture of metallic and other anomalous elements in the soil!!! Stone lasts, metal doesn't which might just explain why the various pyramids and other ancient buildings around the world have been constructed using this material!
- Hoagland also mentioned the "natural" nuclear fission reactors that are found in Africa. These seem to exhibit all the signs of an ancient nuclear meltdown and yet scientists have labelled these as "natural" nuclear reactors since these scientists cannot imagine how an advanced civilisation that may have been able to manufacture nuclear reactors could have existed at the time, thousands of years ago!
(* For those of you who think that Hoagland is in this for money .... think again ... he didn't even bring along a single copy of his book or videos to put on display for sale!! And the only address he gave out was that of his web page !
THE MOON/EGYPT CONNECTION -------------------------
It was demonstrated by Robert Bauval that the Sphinx and Pyramids at Giza are a terrestrial "map" of the Orion Constellation as it appeared in 10,500 B.C.
Is it just a coincidence that one of the Apollo mission patches incorporated the Orion Constellation behind the large letter "A" on the patch? Is it just a coincidence that Apollo is the Greek word for the Egyptian name of the Orion constellation, Osiris?
In later patches, NASA "obliterated" this Orion connection by adding more stars to the patch thus disguising the original Orion constellation.
Like the "leak" of the Clementine APP172.jpg, someone at NASA seems to be intent on dropping us "hints"!!
Bauval may also have discovered the position of another secret underground chamber below the RUMP of the sphinx. This is different from the known position of the secret chamber discovered by John Anthony West in 1991 under the paws of the sphinx. This new chamber is being called by Bauval and Hancock the Genesis chamber.
GRAHAM HANCOCK & ROBERT BAUVAL ------------------------------
Graham Hancock & Robert Bauval had some disturbing news from Egypt - John Anthony West who has previously demonstrated that the Spinx & Pyramids at Giza are much older than previously thought and also discovered the secret chamber under the sphinx's left paw was then booted out of Egypt by Zahi Hawass (Director of Egyptian Antiquities) on the grounds that West was attributing the sphinx & pyramids to an ancient lost civilisation and not to the Egyptians and this was total rubbish according to Hawass ... Hawass actually said that West was all part of a "Zionist plot against Egyptians" of all things!!!
Gantenbrink (sp?) the German robotic engineer who discovered the secret door at the end of a supposed "air shaft" in the Queen's chamber of the Great Pyramid using the Upuat robot was also declared persona non grata!!
Now Zahi Hawass has been sponsored by a multi-millionaire (whose name I can't remember) who just happens to be a member of the Edgar Cayce society (Association for Research and Enlightenment) to open the secret chamber below the sphinx. The multi-millionaire may be one of the select few that know the "truth" (behind hyperdimensional physics/moon structures/mars structures/coverup). The Canadian engineer who has been chosen by Hawass to use another robot to open the "air shaft" door in September also happens to be a member of the Edgar Cayce society and is also connected to the multi-millionaire!
Edgar Cayce was an American psychic who predicted in 1933 that a secret chamber would be discovered under the sphinx that contained a repository of Atlantean knowledge and would be opened in 1996-1998.
Zahi Hawass has participated in a 7 minute promo film to try to get someone to produce a direct "live" opening of the secret chamber. Graham Hancock & Bauval were contacted to participate in this live opening but one of the conditions was that they had to publicly denounce John Anthony West as a fraud. They obviously refused!! This multi-millionaire has sued (or threatened to sue?) Bauval & Hancock for libel for associating him with the Edgar Cayce society/sphinx chamber opening!!!
By the way, this is the same Zahi Hawass who said that the secret chamber under the sphinx was just a natural cavity in the rock but now admits that there may be something in it after all! He has also said that they will find a statue of Khafre (or Khufu) and finally prove that the sphinx was built by this Egyptian pharoah - does he have X-Ray vision or is he just preparing the way for another cover-up?!?
ALIEN IMPLANTS --------------
During the UFO conference on the next day (26 May), a short video was shown of an interview with Derrel Sims who has helped Dr Roger Leir remove a number of implants [at least 10 at the last count]. Sims was very excited by some of the discoveries that have been made by the labs studying the implants. He didn't want to say much, except that the results of the tests were stunning. He wants that at least 2 other independant labs verify the results before these are made public. We should be hearing something very interesting soon. Could this finally be the "smoking gun" we've been looking for?
** IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER ** I have reported what
has been said at the conference as accurately as possible,
however any errors that I may have made are my fault and
should not impinge negatively on the speakers' work! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
John Joseph Mercieca
If you have problems accessing the page try
"Either these features on Mars are natural and this investigation is a complete waste of time, or they are artificial and this is one of the most important discoveries of our entire existence on Earth."
--- Richard C.Hoagland on the Monuments of Cydonia, Mars
Skywatch International First-Last-Always
For latest UFO and Paranormal information:
Subject: Moon Anomalies in 19438 Image
Send reply to: Anomalous Images <>
Date sent: Fri, 7 Jun 1996 00:02:18 -0700
19438 Image
is a portion of NASA image 19438, a large format
photograph taken by Apollo astronauts from the lunar orbiter. The image
was scanned by Marc Whitford and I have applied a cubic spline sharpening
filter and a bilateral detail filters and contrast stretching.
second image is a 1/2 size thumbnail with some of the more obvious
anomalies indicated with a "<". I can see arches, domed craters,
a 'control tower', craters with sundial-like structures, linear runways,
strange cables which do not appear to be scratches, a crater with spires,
linear structures on the sides and inside craters (mining equipment?),
and other anomalous structures.
This area is huge, the size of LA, and must have been easily visible to the astronauts as they passed above it. They are prohibited by law to discuss structures such as these due to NASA law prohibiting releasing information related to "National Security". See Richard Hoagland's WWW site at
under the heading, "NASA Space Act" for a scanned image showing the relevant portions of this important law. So don't expect an admission from the astronauts about this anytime soon. They can talk all they want about Roswell, but moon anomalies are essentially off-limits, with serious penalties for ignoring this law.
Graphics Viewers:
I am using Paintshop Pro 32-Bit for Windows 95 for viewing and processing, which is an excellent image processing program.
Steve Wingate
Subject: UFOs in the Russian Anomaly Zone
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Date sent: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 19:56:16 -0700
are two images of UFOs from the Russian Anomaly Zone taken by Nikolay Subbotin.
They are time-lapse photographs showing a UFOs doing very rapid and intricate
maneuvers with very rapidly flashing light emissions.
is a detail from the second image.
More images of UFOs and other anomalies from this area can be found at
this URL:
There are some images that are very similar, showing regularly blinking lights and intricate patterns of movement taken by Dr. Bruce Cornet on his site:
Steve Wingate
Here is more on the Russian Anomaly Zone, from Nikolay:
I want to tell you about Moljebka. Moljebka is the most famous anomaly zone on the crossing of the Perm and Sverdlovsk regions. The first reference about Moljebka was made in October 29, 1984, when the Perm ufologist Emil Bachurin (St. Korsunskja, 25-2, Perm, Russia) found the place of UFO landing (205 ft. in diameter). It was a big circle in the snow. The most popular was the expedition of 1989 year in which the reporter Pavel Muhortov (Riga) took part. He called this place "The Moljebka's Triangle" (MT). This appellation was described in many Russian and foreign newspapers. Why is this place is so anomalous?
1) The UFO landings and contacts with aliens.
2) Strange behaviour of humans and animals.
3) Strange human illnesses after the contacts with UFO.
4) Luminous balls flying in the sky.
5) Big stars in the night sky flying with strange trajectories.
6) The stone pyramids which work as energy beacons (lighthouses) for alien spaceships.
I saw some UFOs in MT (July 1990 and afterwards). Some scientists think that this anomaly (MT) can be provoked by native factors - radiation, earth holes, air aberrations, human activity, etc. But nobody can say - Why do people feel energy waves, see strange things (luminous balls, myth animals, Men in Black (MIB), green lights from the sky, images in the sky), talk with aliens? WHY?..
Nikolay Subbotin,
RUFORS (Russian UFO Research Station)
Box 6303,
Perm, Russia 614010
Subject: Three Cool Image Browsers
Send reply to: Anomalous Images <>
Date sent: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 17:25:41 -0700
Here are some image browsers that you may find of interest.
Clementine Image Browser
NASA has a new Clementine image browser that allows you to search through the approximately 1.8 million raw images of the moon available on CD-ROM, online. The browser allows you to search based on many parameters, including type of camera and filter, location, and even some common features. It even returns thumbnails to help in locating the best images.
You can click on the thumbnails to view an image. You can then request a gif to view online, which is a better quality image, or stretch the image to improve contrast.
A trick to remember is that you don't have to download a gif in order to save it. If you are using the Netscape browser, just click the right mouse button on the full size image and it will automatically be converted into a gif and can be saved to the directory of your choice.
There are also image browsers for Venus and the surface of Mars, accessible at
Another image browser that is very useful is the Earth Viewer.
This viewer allows you to specify different views of the Earth from space, including viewing the Earth from the moon, Sun, or any location above the globe. You can specify a topological map, current cloudcover, or infrared satellite images for the Earth. You can even set up a custom view and save it as a bookmark for fast retrieval later.
The third viewer shows the location of all of the planets of the solar system at any point in time.
This viewer even has a stereo mode which allows you to see differences in the planes of the various orbits, especially Pluto. You can see the alignment of the planets on your birthdate, for example, or check out claims of unusual planetary alignments on a given date.
Those of you who subscribe to the Anomalous Images mailing list will see more stereo images from the moon, soon.
Subject: Stereo View of Gassendi
Send reply to: Anomalous Images <>
Date sent: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 17:53:44 -0700
is a stereo view of two separate processed images
from the Clementine raw data that I have processed by sharpening and increasing
the contrast. The two images were taken by different color filters, and
were taken at slightly different times. To view the images, you will need
to look 'cross-eyed'. Some people can't do this, but if you can you will
see better details due to correlation of the image between the two eyes.
You will see some artifacts due to the jpeg compression software that Clementine used, but this is not hard to separate from the actual features, which appear more solid.
Note the parallel 'pipes' which run along the base of the crater and then extend up the sides, disappearing into the edge of the crater. They appear to be segmented. You can see other details that are also also indicated by a '<'. These structures may be part of a mining operation being conducted in this area.
This is a much closer view of the crater Gassendi that I sent out a few weeks ago.
I will be searching interesting areas using the Clementine Image Browser that I mentioned in the previous message and will post some more of these images to this list soon.
Steve Wingate
Subject: New Images of Gassendi
Send reply to: Anomalous Images <>
Date sent: Tue, 2 Jul 1996 15:51:14 -0700
this message you will find attached two images of this crater: the first,
lud120s.gif, is an image taken from a relatively
high altitude orbit (314) as the spacecraft was preparing to leave the
moon to intercept a nearby asteroid before a 'malfunction' made the satellite
inoperative. One wonders if this was in fact planned. The name 'Clementine'
was an interesting choice for this project.
Regardless, there are some interesting anomalies in this image which we
will look at in greater detail.
second image, Mosaic3b.gif, consists of three
close-up images showing the right side of the crater Gassendi. I have inverted
this image to give the same orientation as the lud120s.gif.
There are some anomalies in this image that suggest it is a possible mining operation. I have discussed this before, but there is something new. As you will remember, you will see what appears to be a double, segmented tube or conveyer moving up the side of the crater and either going into the upper side of the crater, or possibly over the edge. In looking at the other side of the crater, from the outside, in the lud120s.gif image, you will see that there is a large pile of what appears to be mining tailings, *which is directly opposite to the tubes or conveyers as seen in the mosaic3b.gif*. I have long suspected that these are in fact mining tailings, but now the fact that they are opposite to the 'conveyer belts' gives added support to this possibility.
You may find many unusual features in these images if you look closely. In the next few days I will be sending more closeup views of crater Gassendi which show several very intriguing anomalies.
Also, coming soon, an artist's conceptualization of a Russian base on the moon, sent by Nikolay Subbotin, a UFOlogist in the Anomaly Zone in Russia.
I have posted many of Nikolay's fascinating photos on my WWW site
under "UFO Images". I think that you will be surprised with what you find there, including a Russian newspaper article showing a bomber on the surface of the moon! It is in Russian so hopefully someone will be able to translate this into English. The Russian base drawing will be useful in spotting anomalies, and in indicating how many areas can be hidden underground, within craters, and inside of mountains. This also applies in part to underground bases on the Earth.
Coming soon: Images of possible moon bases at coordinates given by Dr. Beter.
Steve Wingate
Subject: Question About Image Processing
Send reply to: Anomalous Images <>
Date sent: Tue, 2 Jul 1996 17:15:53 -0700
Now to answer a question from a subscriber:
From: (Louise Ingram)
This subject fascinates me, but I am not sure about some of the images that have been enhanced, how do we know that things have not been added to them. I don't really understand the enhancement process.
I understand your concern regarding the processing. I will explain exactly what I do to these images to enhance the details in the raw images from Clementine's UV/VIS camera. If this is too technical for some of you, just skip it, but I am including this for those technically-minded individuals who want more details.
Using PaintShop Pro 32 I have found the following process normally gives the best results:
1) Run the Histogram, Stretch command on the file to increase the contrast.
2) Apply a built in digital filter, Sharpen More, to the image.
3) While viewing a histogram of the image, adjust the brightness to approximately center the peak in the histogram and increase the contrast by 25-50 percent, depending on the image.
4) Apply a custom "Cubic-Spline Sharpening" filter that I have found works well for bringing out linear features in the images. The filter is:
0 0 -1 0 0
0 -1 -1 -1 0
-1 -1 22 -1 -1
0 -1 -1 -1 0
0 0 -1 0 0
with a division factor of 10
The above filter matrix simply multiplies each pixel in a 5 X 5 pixel area by the corresponding integer, adds each value together, and divides the result by 10 to normalize the values so the the brightness remains about the same as before. What this filter does is emphasize the differences between a given pixel and the surrounding pixels, increasing the sharpness of the image. It is actually possible to take an out-of-focus image, or an image taken through a haze, and correct for the distortions so that the image is in focus again.
5) Apply a built-in Sharpen filter, similar to the Sharpen More filter, but with less strength.
6) Apply either a Sharpen Filter again, or a detail filter, or nothing, depending on the image. The detail filter is:
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 -1 0 0
0 -1 12 -1 0
0 0 -1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
with a division factor of 8.
This process does not add external artifacts to the image, but if the filters are applied too much, especially the last step, it will bring out artifacts introduced by the Jpeg compression which was applied to all Clementine images to various degrees before transmission to Earth. These artifacts are seen primarily in relatively uniform backgrounds and line up vertically and horizontally with the pixels. If you see features in the processed images that do not line up precisely with the pixels it is a safe bet that they are real structures.
As an additional note, the high resolution images that were primarily taken near the North and South Poles of the moon contain hexagonal artifacts that are associated with the imaging process. These patterns appear in all high resolution images and are not domes or other anomalies. Most of the images I have forwarded to the list are from the UV/VIS camera rather than the high resolution camera, because the latter camera took almost no images of the interesting features. The high resolution camera had an opaque filter which was used to supposedly protect the CCD imager, which was suspected of having a limited lifetime and was being saved for the planned flyby of an asteroid, Geographos, which was later abandoned when the spacecraft malfunctioned soon after leaving its lunar orbit. At least that is the official story.
I suspect that there are more high resolution images than we are led to believe and that those with sufficient clearance, using a secure browser, have access to the "blacked out" images. It really doesn't make sense to include thousands of blacked out images in the browsers and CD Roms unless there is more that one verson of the browser.
One final observation. Although the Navy's Clementine File Server was supposed to be upgraded to add all 1.8 million images online in 1995, this has still not been done. In fact, only some of the orbits between 1 and 199 are available. The raw data for orbit 314, the orbit showing a good overall view of Gassendi, was taken off of the Internet soon after I added many of the images to my web page and only some of the images from this orbit are available on NASA's Clementine Browser. Many of the orbits above 199, and some of those missing between 1 and 199, show areas with many anomalies, which one can verify on NASA's Browser. The Navy needs to get moving and put ALL of the images online, IMO. After, all we pay for this. Who does the Navy work for, anyway?
You can reach the person responsible for maintaining the Navy's to ask them (in a nice way, after all they is only doing their job and must comply with their superiors) what is going on and what is planned in the future.
The Navy's Clementine File server is
and NASA's Clementine Navigator (expert version) is
Note that the raw images are inverted on the Navy Server as compared to the NASA Browser.
Steve Wingate
Subject: Drawing of Moon Base
Send reply to: Anomalous Images <>
Date sent: Wed, 3 Jul 1996 12:55:18 -0700
Subbotin sent this drawing of a moon base. Examining
this image will help to understand the possible significance of the various
anomalous structures on the moon we will be examining.
Regarding the file Mosaic3b.gif:
This image is rotated by 180 degrees to match the orientation of lud0120s.gif image, with north toward the top of the image. It may be easier to see tubes or conveyers and other structures, if you rotate Mosaic3b.gif by 180 degrees to restore the original orientation.
Steve Wingate
Subject: Map of Possible Bases on the Moon
Send reply to: Anomalous Images <>
Date sent: Sun, 7 Jul 1996 11:17:36 -0700
Subbotin, a UFO researcher in the Anomaly Zone in Russia, sent this fascinating
map showing anomalous areas on the moon as well
as landing areas for Soviet and American lunar modules. We will be examining
some of these areas in future mailings.
Here is what Nikolay wrote about this map:
On this map points are designated:
RED POINTS - observed driven objects;
LIGHT-BLUE POINTS - constant sources of light;
YELLOW POINTS - variable light stain;
RED MARKS With FIGURES - soviet lunar modules;
GREEN MARKS - american lunar modules.
You see, that many of these marks and light points coincide! It surprising! Probably, the Soviet and American researchers already have UFO photos. Genuine photos!!! Such activity light points in certain places can be explained by existence in these places of the special confidential bases - earthly or another's.
You will find some of Nikolay's images of UFOs and other anomalies in Russia at my WWW site:
under the heading "UFO Images".
Steve Wingate
Subject: Two Final Views of Gassendi
Send reply to: Anomalous Images <>
Date sent: Thu, 11 Jul 1996 13:12:36 -0700
Here are two final images of the Crater Gassendi, before we leave this area to examine Dr. Beter's list of Russian and US moon bases, and the areas on the map from Nikolay showing the locations of anomalous lights on the moon. At last check NASA's Clementine Navigator is still down, and email to the WWW administrator are not answered. Nevertheless, I have already downloaded images from all of the areas from Dr. Beter's list. I had a feeling that this might happen.
is a series of images showing the East side of Gassendi and surrounding
areas. North is toward the top of the image.
You will see many of the most interesting features in this mosaic of 950 nm filter images from the notorious orbit 314.
There are many anomalies visable in this series of photos, centered around 16 degrees South latitude, -40 degrees East longitude. The mountains to the East of Gassendi appear to have large cranes or other linear structures. The small crater on the North end of Gassendi appears to have a linear structure as well. The Southeast area outside of Gassendi appears to be tailings from the mining operation which we have previously examined in closeups showing the inside of this unusual crater. North of the smaller crater you will see a crater that appears to contain a large array of antennas. This structure is clearly visible in all of the images showing this area. I am trying to find more closeup images of this anomaly. You can also clearly see the huge rectangular-appearing structure to the Northwest of the smaller crater.
shows more of the front side of the crater, but from the opposite direction.
South is toward the top of the image. You will note the reference point
to Mosaic8.gif where the wall of the crater becomes only a thin line. Notice
the unusual triangle shape to the left of this area. There are many unusual
lines at the base of this crater, as well as many large objects. Are these
objects massive boulders, or perhaps buildings or tanks used for mining
the minerals within the base of the crater?
Next: We will examine unusual domes in areas specified by Dr. Beter.
Steve Wingate
Subject: Dr. Beter's Coordinates of Moon Bases
Send reply to: Anomalous Images <>
Date sent: Fri, 12 Jul 1996 20:47:46 -0700
This image is from the first of several from the areas given in the following text:
dir: /journals/alphabetic/b/beter-audio-letter (#80 audioletters of
Dr.Peter Beter (author of the best selling book Some interesting info from
these audioletters:
Soviet hovering electro-gravitic platforms electro: manned Cosmos Intercept.
Killer Satellites, Cosmospheres, "Super Heavies"
or "Jumbos", (Cosmos 929 - 1st one) armed with charged particle
beam weapons.
> US Secret Beam-weapons base on the Moon (Secret US Space Program at
Diego Garcia Island, Indian Ocean): September 27, 1977 - Battle of the
Harvest Moon at Copernicus Crater, which America
lost when Russia's Cosmospheres killed all astronauts in their base by
neutron particle beam weapon (Cosmos 954). Then Russia established seven
bases on the Front side armed with powerful charged particle beam weapons,
and three supporting bases on the back side of the Moon...
Coordinates are:
Near side of the Moon:
1. 55 54' N, 51 00' E ...East of the Sea of Cold.
2. 16 33' N, 48 51' E ...West of the Sea of Crises.
3. 31 53' S, 73 09' E ...Southwest of the Sea of Fertilio.
4. 72 26' S, 67 30' W ...Near the South Pole on the SW side.
5. 50 53' S, 57 49' W ...Near Phocylides Crater in the SW quadrant
6. 09 26' S, 66 52' W ...Southwest of the Ocean of Storms
7. 01 23' S, 12 27' W ...Northeast of the Apollo 14 landing site.
Far side of the Moon:
1. 36 00' S, 147 00' E ...Jules Verne Crater.
2. 13 36' S, 108 26' E ...Southwest of Pasture Crater.
3. 51 03' N, 095 00' E ...Southwest of Compton crater.
> 1st. Russian manned landing on the Moon at October 16, 1977 (on the Back Side of the Moon at 'Jules Verne' crater: Kovalyonok and Ryumin)
55 54' N, 51 00' E ...East of the Sea of Cold.
first image, SeaCold90.gif, shows several unusual
dome-like structures. You will see that these domes appear in nearly all
of the images from the areas specified above. Remember the image from Nikolay,
Moon.jpg which showed an underground base on the moon. These structure
may well be underground bases constructed by using special explosive devices,
either nuclear or non-nuclear, a technique supposedly used on Earth as
These domes are unusual compared to other domes on the moon because they do not appear to be as symmetrical as most, and have an unusual texture as well.
16 33' N, 48 51' E ...West of the Sea of Crises.
next image is really amazing! The image SCrisesM.gif
is a combination of two images of this area from different orbits (54
and 186). Each pixel is 114 meters horizontal scale in the center of the
image. This image shows a crater with an anomalous spherical object surrounded
by other smaller spheres in a circular pattern. Upon close examination
one can see still more spheres at the base of the unusual crater.
In addition, there is a double fault line (?) or some type of canyon or even a dual railway or other type of track. A linear feature in this anomaly is visible directly to the right of the large crater as well as a possibly spherical object. Could this be some type of transportation system, with large transports as well as 'cars'? Of course this is only one possibility, but the proximity to the highly anomalous crater lends greater credibility to the possibility that this structure is not natural, or is not entirely natural.
Near the lower part of this dual-linear feature there is a crater clearly visible that is relatively close to this track-like feature which appears to be surrounded by several objects. A smaller dome near the bottom of the image also appears to be surrounded by several linear objects, which are just visible at the limit of resolution. This linear feature continues to the right and intersects the side of a smaller crater to the extreme right of the image. There are several areas in the right part that appear to widen or possibly this feature may intersect depressions in the lunar surface.
Steve Wingate
War In Space--The Battle Of The Harvest Moon, September 27, 1977
by Dr. Beter
Twenty years ago on October 4, 1957, the Space Age began with the launching of Sputnik One by the Soviet Union. Barely 3-1/2 years later on May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy made the thrilling announcement that the United States was launching a program to put a man on the moon and return him safely to earth before the end of the decade. Many Americans could hardly believe their ears, the Sputnik shock still had not worn off, and the Soviet space program was far ahead of our own. And for several years after the Kennedy announcement, the idea that we would beat the Russians to the moon looked more and more ridiculous. Americans ground their teeth in frustration as we watched the Soviet Union pile up one record after another in space--the first man in space, the first woman in space, the first space walk, records for time in orbit, and so on and on. But the Kennedy announcement in 1961 had signaled much more than a mere race with the Russians--it was a crash program, ten times bigger than the Manhattan Project to develop the atom bomb in World War II, and gradually it began to pay off. The one-man space shots of Project Mercury gave way to the two-man missions of Project Gemini, and then at last Project Apollo with its three-man crews was under way. Finally it was the Americans who were setting records in space, while the Russians, seemingly, began to lose heart. They busied themselves with orbital missions, but it became increasingly apparent that they would not soon put a man on the moon after all. On July 20, 1969, the impossible dream came true. After 8 years, and $24,000,000,000, the Apollo XI landing craft made a perfect landing on the moon in the Sea of Tranquillity. Neil Armstrong, as he placed man's first footprint on the moon, said those famous words: "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." The Soviet Union sulked at being beaten, Red China called the whole thing a hoax, but the rest of the world cheered. It was a great moment to be an American. For three years America and the world watched as the exploits of the Apollo teams on the moon expanded at an astonishing pace; but then, strangely, the Apollo program was cut short--to save money, we were told. After six successful moon landings, the last three, potentially the most productive and spectacular of all, were unceremoniously lopped off--supposedly to save about one percent of the amount it had cost to reach the moon in the first place. After all, everyone knew we had gone to the moon merely as an exhilarating adventure and to pick up a few moon rocks for scientists to tinker around with. So having done that, we were told that it would be better to save those last few space dollars and put them into Welfare checks or bullets for Vietnam. And so, on December 19, 1972, the Apollo 17 crew lifted off from the Sea of Serenity, and America said farewell to the moon. That is what we were told, my friends, but that is not what happened!
In Audioletter No. 19 for December 1976, I told you why America was not the first nation to orbit a space satellite--and now I can reveal the sequel, the true purpose and outcome of the race to the moon. America's space program has always been portrayed as a purely peaceful, scientific adventure without any ulterior motives. But, my friends, the Rockefellers never spend $24,000,000,000, even if its our own money, on anything that does not promise to reward them very handsomely. And these rewards, in the case of the space program, extend far beyond the great profits reaped by their aerospace companies. It is, or was until three days ago, the very keystone of their secret military machine for the conquest of the world. From the beginning, America's race to put a man on the moon had a military objective. The impetus for this race lay in a seemingly unrelated development--the Laser, which was invented in 1960. The Laser was a predictable outgrowth of an earlier American invention called the Maser invented in 1953; and therefore by the time the laser made its debut, it had been anticipated and military uses for it were under intensive study. The first hint of the things to come was a proposal by laser scientists in 1961, the same year that President Kennedy launched the crash program to put a man on the moon. The scientists suggested that lasers, which produced narrow intense beams of light, could be used for interplanetary communication by flashing coded signals back and forth. What the scientists did not mention was that the destructive, effective, extremely powerful lasers could also be projected for tremendous distances through space for space warfare. Worse yet, theoretical studies had already revealed that an even more awesome energy-beam weapon was possible. This advanced weapon on the horizon was the terrifying Particle Beam, which was first brought to public attention early this year by General George Keegan, the freshly retired Chief of the U.S. Air Force Intelligence. In a Particle Beam weapon, huge quantities of atoms are torn to shreds and fired out of the barrel at the target in a continuous concentrated beam that travels at almost the speed of light. The process requires fantastic amounts of energy, and the effect on any target is also fantastic. The very atoms that make up the target are torn to pieces by the beam, and the target explodes. With Lasers and the Particle Beams looming as potential new military weapons, the moon suddenly became an inviting military objective. The moon is a quarter million miles from earth, and it takes several days for a space ship to travel that distance; but it only takes about 1-1/2 seconds for radio signals or light to travel that far. Therefore a moon base, equipped with high-power lasers or particle-beam weapons would be able to strike any visible spot on earth within two seconds of pulling the trigger; and during any period of just over 24 hours, all or most of the populated areas of the earth can be seen from the moon. The only exceptions are Arctic and Antarctic regions during parts of each month. And since a Particle Beam will bore right through clouds or storms to hit a target, a moon base would be an all-weather weapon. Finally, once it was in operation, this moon base would be virtually immune to attack by any less sophisticated weapon. For example, if a rocket were fired at the moon from earth with a nuclear warhead to destroy the moon base, it would be useless. Long before it reached the moon, it could be destroyed by a blast of the Particle Beam. When the Rockefellers learned of the great potential of the moon for military purposes, the decision was made to launch a crash program to seize the moon for this purpose.
The Soviet Space Program had been given a head start over that of America by means of the Sputnik One disgrace, and under the hard-driving direction of an engineer named Leonid Brezhnev, the Soviet lead space was widening every day. But the Russian approach to exploiting space for military purposes was heavily oriented toward earth orbital applications. Space stations would come first; after that, moon missions could be launched sometime in the future. For all the propaganda we heard about it at the time, a man mission to the moon was not a top Soviet priority in 1961. But the Sputnik shock still had not worn off, and the Soviet Space Program was undeniably ahead of our own in 1961. So it was not very hard for the Rockefellers to convince America, through their controlled major media, that Russia was on its way to the moon and would beat us there if we did not do something. Having built up this public concern, the Rockefeller public relations machine then provided us with the solution to our worries. The space frontier was sold to us as exemplifying the bold spirit of President John F. Kennedy's so-called "New Frontier." The dormant and suppressed American spirit of free adventure was tapped and channeled into enthusiastic, unquestioning support for the space program, even though we were never given anything more than the vaguest justifications for it. Thus a military project dwarfing the Manhattan Project was set in motion, in full public view; and drawing upon the very best talent and facilities that money could buy, only the purpose of the moon project was kept a secret; and that secret was made secure by bathing the whole space program in the glare of continuous publicity. It was a clever plan, and it worked.
By the time of the Apollo 17 mission in December 1972, the space program had become routine to many Americans, and they were looking around for other circuses to amuse themselves; and plenty of these were provided, including especially the budding Watergate scandal. Now space travel could safely be removed from public view and carried on secretly with far less danger of attracting attention than a decade before. Meanwhile, the Rockefellers, by way of their controlled CIA, had been working feverishly in total secrecy on beam weapons at locations outside the United States--such as a CIA-supported Laser experiment installation in Spain. By 1972, these experiments still were a long way from a suitable weapon for deployment on the moon. But ominous developments in the Soviet Union led to the decision to cut off the Apollo program prematurely so that the construction of the secret moon base could be rushed ahead.
Starting in 1967, the Soviet Union launched a massive program of its own to develop a Particle Beam weapon. This is what the Russians had started concentrating on instead of an immediate moon flight in the late 60's. Then in 1971, the Soviet Civil Defense Program was stepped up; and on October 4, 1972, Soviet Civil Defense was elevated to a status equal to the Armed Services. Less than three months later, in December, Apollo 17 became the last American moon flight to be acknowledged publicly. The October 4, 1972, upgrading of Soviet civil defense initiated a high-priority Five-Year Plan, which ends four days from now--the day after the expiration of the SALT ONE accord. Under this plan, much of the Soviet Union has literally gone underground, complete with underground silos filled with American grain and thousands of underground shelters able to withstand near-misses of ICBM's. Strategic command centers and communications networks are underground now in the Soviet Union. And this was done not only to render any missile attack survivable, but also to provide some protection against any possible Particle Beam attack from the moon.
Early in 1973, soon after the supposed end of the American moon program, we began hearing about a place called Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. Supposedly we were merely building a communications installation there, yet the drastic step was taken of relocating all the 20,000 or so natives of this little island to other areas. More recently, we have heard about Diego Garcia as the site of a new American naval base; but, my friends, you still haven't been told the whole story. Diego Garcia, my friends, is the new space-port from which secret missions to the moon have been launched during the building of the moon base. Unlike Cape Canaveral, where Saturn rocket launches are impossible to hide, Diego Garcia is remote and isolated, and even the natives are no longer there to watch what goes on. What's more, Diego Garcia is practically the perfect moon-port, located as it is almost on the earth's equator, and a space vehicle launched eastward into orbit from Diego Garcia passes over a nearly unbroken expanse of water for more than half the circumference of the earth. The only means of monitoring the early flight of a space craft launched from Diego Garcia, therefore, is from ships. If you have been unclear as to why Jimmy Carter has been talking so much about demilitarizing the Indian Ocean--which means 'Russia, stay out'--now you know.
I was first alerted to the existence of a secret base on the moon last
November 1976--but it has been one of the best kept of all Rockefeller
secrets, and it was only a few weeks ago that I was able to confirm its
existence and learn the complete story; and since that time, events have
moved with lightning speed. Throughout this year an unseen but deadly race
has been underway to see who would get an operational Particle Beam first:
the Rockefellers, at their secret moon base; or the Soviet Union, in earth
orbit. By late spring, a Salyut manned space craft was launched that carried
out preliminary tests of beam-weapon techniques, using lasers in order
to simulate the Particle Beam. Then, on July 17, 1977, a large
Soviet satellite, called Cosmos 929, was launched. It has mystified satellite
watchers because of its strange behavior in radio signals. Most observers
have concluded that it is un-manned, having detected no verbal communications;
but, it is manned! It is a twin satellite, consisting of a command module
and a separate Particle Beam weapon module. All communications between
the crew of Cosmos 929 and the Soviet tracking network are carried on by
modulated laser beams, which cannot be detected at all by anyone who is
not directly in the beam path. A Particle Beam is a fearsome weapon; and
nearly two months of painstaking preparation and check-out of all systems
preceded the first test. Meanwhile, American astronauts on the moon worked
at frenzied pace to try to bring their Particle Beam installation to operational
status. By early September, this month, the first Particle Beam unit on
the moon was being assembled. A few days later the crew of Cosmos 929 tested
their Particle Beam unit by firing it into open space to verify that it
would function properly. It did! The next step was to test the beam against
a target--the target chosen was an American spy satellite as it passed
over the Petrozavodsk Observatory, which lies east of southern Finland.
Cosmos 929 was nearly 1000 miles to the south near the Black Sea, the local
time was roughly 4:00 AM Tuesday, September 20, 1977, and the moon was
on the other side of the earth. The crew of the moon base were therefore
unable to observe the test. Aided by computers, Cosmos 929 aimed and fired.
The American satellite erupted into an immense fireball of light, which
the Soviet news agency Tass described as a huge star which flashed out
of a dark sky, sending shafts of light impulses to earth. It took several
minutes to dwindle to a red glow and burn out as it drifted eastward, and
it was witnessed as far away as Helsinki, Finland, over 300 miles to the
west. News reports that day in this country dismissed it all as a curious
jellyfish-like UFO. Four days later, September 24, the Soviet Navy, without
explanation, expelled all British and French fishing trawlers, among others,
from the Barents Sea. At the same time, Soviet trawlers in European community
waters were called home. By the 26th of September, American personnel at
the secret Rockefeller moon base
in Copernicus Crater were almost ready. Their
Particle Beam was almost operational--but they were too late. By late that
day, the Soviet Union began bombarding the moon base with a Neutron Particle
Beam. Through the night, and all day on September 27 the moon base was
bombarded without mercy with neutron radiation just like that produced
by a neutron bomb; and by that evening as Americans looked up at the peaceful
full moon overhead known as the Harvest Moon, the last few Americans on
the moon were dying of neutron radiation. America had lost the Battle of
the Harvest Moon.
higher resolution image of Copernicus Crater is available (1.6 M)).
My friends, in 1945 America became the first nation on earth to possess
an awesome new super-weapon, the Atomic Bomb; but now, it is the Soviet
Union that has won the race for a new super-weapon--the Particle Beam,
that could be as decisive today as the Atomic Bomb was in 1945. The Rockefellers
have disarmed America while betting everything on the moon base, thinking
they would win the race; but they made a terrible miscalculation--and now
we will all suffer the consequences.
End of article.
is an image of the Copernicus Crater with keys to
several anomalies.
Steve Wingate
stereo image is from Clementine images near
an area West of the Sea of Crises, at the coordinates given by Dr. Beter
as a location of one of the Russian Beam Weapons Base. This location is
approximately 16 degrees N Latitude and 49 degrees E Longitude.
To view this image, look at something far away and they, while keeping
the same focus, look at the image on your monitor. If you can do this,
you will see a third image in the middle of the other images, that is in
stereo. If you can't do this, just look at one or the other image.
I see a large sphere in the base of the crater, with a linear structure on top surrounded by several smaller spheres. This is highly anomalous, and appears to be artificially constructed. The center sphere could be some type of tank with a ladder or nozzle structure on the top, perhaps used to refuel the cosmospheres as they hover above.
More evidence that the moon is not a dead sphere covered with dust and rocks, but a structure full of life and containing ongoing mining and military-related operations.
Steve Wingate
Thanks to Nikolay Subbotin, friend and UFO researcher from the Anomaly Zone in Russia, who sent a mosaic of Clementine images showing many anomalies, it has been possible to put together two mosaics, and a stereo view of one of the more striking features, of this highly anomalous area on the moon.
Many of the images that Nikolay has taken in the Anomaly Zone, including some articles from Russian newspapers written by Nikolay, may be viewed at:
shows many unusual anomalies. This area is located at approximately
30 degrees north latitude, and 60 degrees east longitude. The wavelength
filter used was 900 nm.
1) This is one of many cones or domes, which in this case is surrounded by debris, either volcanic or from another source.
2) More domes, which in this case have a bright area in the center.
2.5) This area exhibits some unusual linear and semicircular alignments of various objects, such as rocks or other linear and spherical objects. Note the semicircular arrangement of several similarly-sized spherical objects to the far left of the image.
3) This hourglass-like effect seems to emanate from a linear area of the image. While it may appear to be related to the seam between the two images, it is also clearly visible in single images which show the entire area. The source appears to be several oval-shaped objects lying in a horizontal line.
3.5) This object appears to be some type of dome with bright objects (pillars) surrounding it. Note the radial structures visible between approximately 8:00 and 11:00 outside of the the edge of the anomaly.
4) A relatively large dome that is very reflective.
5),6) Domes or hills with deep fissures in them. Note the X-shaped linear structure on the lower right side of the object in 5), which we also observed on images of the side of the crater Gassendi.
6.5),7) This area exhibits shows some linear objects and many small spherical objects. The spherical objects may be boulders, but the other linear objects are less easily explained.
8) Another unusual dome with a a pentagon star-shaped radial structures.
9) Unusual and regularly spaced semicircular structures.
10) Star shaped impact area.
11), 12) More intriguing areas.
13), 14) Silbury Mound on the moon. This area is extremely anomalous, exhibiting numerous linear anomalies. Notice that there are many apparent structures arranged in patterns. Most striking is the U-shaped object at 6:00 and the inverted J-shaped object at 1:00 (14).
stereo image, stereo2.gif, is a combination of
750 and 900 nm images taken a few seconds apart. These two views show additional
structures and detail, as well as structures that only register on the
750 nm image on the right side of the stereo image. Is this a mining operation
and/or spaceport? Notice also unusual areas in the stereo view of the nearby
mountains below this dome, on the lower left side, and also on the right
side. (To view this stereo image, focus on a location far away, then gaze
at the image on your monitor without changing your focus. You should see
a third image in the center of the other two image, which is the stereo
Dr. Beter, Cosmospheres, and Moon Bases
I have received confirmation from a knowledgeable source that the information from Dr. Beter concerning cosmospheres and bases on the moon may in fact be true. More images of these areas are in the works.
Coming Next: Part 2
Steve Wingate